According to the, We Are Social - Digital Turkey 2021 Report:
Only 2.3% remained who did not use a phone. The number of social media users in Turkey is equivalent to 70.8% of our total population. Now, while 8 hours a day are online, 3 hours of this is reserved for social media.
It is so ingrained in our lives that we go to sleep with social media and wake up with it. We receive news, deliver news, do e-commerce, establish business networks, chat, and order food; Our mask supplier with the pandemic, our areas of rebellion with our frequently changing agenda: our social media accounts...
When workplaces and school life moved to the virtual world due to COVID-19, we spent a long time in our digital spaces. In a media where communication is so intense, it was inevitable that sexism, discrimination, racism, and hate speech, in short, every tone of violence would find a place for themselves.
With the increase in “persistent, repetitive and damaging” cyberbullying and violence against women, individuals are especially psychologically challenged. Especially women with low digital literacy are more open to digital violence…
It should not be thought that women with high technical knowledge and included in the workforce are not exposed to cyber violence. According to the US Stanford University research, there is a reality called zoom fatigue.
Women are most affected by the anxiety and the 'look' it creates. Can women be considered a new generation of violence when they are confined to space, they are expected to look ready and well-groomed at all times, and the stress and pressure created are not at the same rate as male employees?
With the evolution of communication in the digital world, violence can now find its place on every platform. Cyberbullying today, is a form of traditional bullying:
flashing, harassment, slander/slander, blackmail, profanity, gossip, impersonation/impersonation, disclosure, deception, exclusion, embarrassment, stalking, threatening to publish private information or photos about people, 'cyber' harassment with unwanted messages, “all ages” people of gender and orientation” can be exposed.
Although it is very promising that peer bullying has become more known and is the subject of research, it is obvious that the response and sanctions to cyber violence cases that women+ are exposed to are far behind what is necessary.
So how do we get ahead?
Take Action! (UN Call to Action)
As stated in the 2020 call of UN Women, we can be solution partners as governments address and eliminate the problem.
Ensure that judicial systems continue to prosecute abusers,
Demand the creation of safe ways for women to seek support without 'warning' their abusers;
Disseminate public awareness campaigns specifically targeting men and boys,
We should raise our voice against cyber violence and let the victims of violence know that we are there,
Ensure that women and girls know where to access help and services,
We should invite our family and friends to solidarity.
In order to “Combat Sexist Cyber Violence”, we should also maintain our stance that exposes and fights victimization and should not underestimate the sanction power of social media - which we have learned to use very well already.
We can stand together against #CyberViolence.
Governments to criminalize Cyber Violence and Bullying and take serious measures against it
Conducting the work of IT Law and Cyber Security experts in a way that covers the whole society
Dissemination of digital literacy and gender equality training
Putting deterrents in institution regulations